There’s a lot of confusion around probation. In Ohio, it’s called “community control” or sometimes “community control sanctions.” One thing everyone needs to be clear about is that if they violate any of the conditions of release imposed by the court, they will face consequences.
If you’re convicted of or plead guilty to a crime, you may be sentenced to community control instead of jail or prison if you aren’t considered a threat to the community. Some people serve part of their sentence behind bars and the rest on community control.
The court determines the length of time a person will be subject to community control sanctions (up to five years) and what those sanctions are. At the very least, they typically involve not breaking the law and not leaving the state without their probation officer’s or the court’s permission. Sometimes, random drug testing and/or assessment by an addiction or other professional is required.
What are the likely consequences for violations?
If someone violates any of the conditions imposed, a court may then order any or all of the following:
- A longer period under community control
- More restrictive sanctions, such as being assigned to a halfway house
- A jail or prison term based on the original offense
The penalty for a violation can depend on a number of factors, including how egregious the violation was and the seriousness of the original offense. It should be noted that if someone has fulfilled their community control conditions for “a significant period of time,” they could end their community control early.
While it’s not as common to receive community control after conviction for a felony as for a misdemeanor, it can be authorized for some offenses.
If you have been sentenced to community control, it’s crucial to understand and adhere to the conditions that have been placed on you. If you’ve been accused of a violation, you have a chance to appeal. It’s wise to seek legal guidance to protect your rights.