Property rights benefit from strong protection under the law. If one person intentionally misappropriates capital or assets that belong to another party, the state can prosecute that person. The law in Ohio criminalizes many different types of theft. State statutes...
Northeast Ohio Full-Service Law Firm
Criminal Defense
Is serious injury needed to justify Ohio assault charges?
Assault is one of the most common violent offenses prosecuted in Ohio. People can face accusations of assault after domestic altercations with family members or a fight at a sports bar. Individuals accused of assault sometimes question the validity of their criminal...
What to know if you’re the subject of a protection order in Ohio
Finding out that you’re the subject of a protection order sought by (or otherwise on behalf of) a current or former romantic partner amid allegations or charges of domestic violence can be unnerving and frightening. It can understandably make you angry, especially if...
What tests are part of the broader standardized field sobriety test?
The standardized field sobriety test (SFST) is a series of three tests used by law enforcement to determine if a driver is impaired. Each test assesses different physical and cognitive functions to identify signs of intoxication. These tests are often used as an...
Can Ohio drivers refuse to perform field sobriety tests?
People often become quite anxious during a drunk driving traffic stop. Whether an officer pulls over an individual because of their conduct or a driver encounters a sobriety checkpoint, they likely feel very nervous about having a police officer evaluate them for...
What should Ohio drivers do when they spot OVI checkpoints?
Police officers in Ohio are always on the lookout for drunk drivers. Someone accused of impairment at the wheel or having a high blood alcohol concentration BAC could end up arrested after a targeted traffic stop. Police officers also arrest people for operating...
When is an Ohio shoplifting offense categorized as a felony?
Shoplifting is a criminal offense that many people do not take seriously enough. Given that the victim of shoplifting is a business, people can be dismissive about the crime because they view it as victimless. They don't recognize the impact that retail theft can have...
How do the Ohio police handle domestic violence calls?
Domestic violence, which involves interpersonal violence between those who live together, who have a romantic relationship or who are family members, is relatively common in Ohio. Police departments around the state receive thousands of calls each year both from those...
2 common reasons police officers arrest Ohio drivers for OVI
Charges related to operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI) offenses are among the most common criminal allegations filed in Ohio criminal courts. Those arrested for an OVI offense may spend at least one night in jail and will likely end up...
Expungements and early release options in Ohio
Even if you’re convicted and sentenced of criminal wrongdoing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your sentence has to impact the rest of your life. For instance, if you have been sentenced to a long term of imprisonment, you may have options for early release. Or, if...